Angie Frazier's SUZANNA SNOW AND THE MYSTERY OF THE MIDNIGHT TUNNEL, a coming-of-age story set against a disappearance at a grand bhotel/b in 1905 New Brunswick, again to David Levithan and Jennifer Rees at Scholastic, in a two-book deal, b...../b Guggenheim Fellow and founder of the Wild Dolphin Project Denise bHerzing's/b DOLPHIN DIARY: Twenty-Five Years Living with Wild Dolphins; In Their World, On Their Terms, revealing the hidden life of a pod of dolphin off the Grand Bahama ...
If you are struggling to repair ball marks so that they look like the bottom picture please ask one of our golf pros for a tip. They will be more then happy to give you a free lesson on repairing a ball mark. Posted by Robert bHertzing/bb.../b